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Tag: Photography

TRACY•TV #59: Saskia Boelsums brings drama to Dutch landscape

At first sight, the flat Dutch landscape under gray skies would seem to be lacking in drama. Photographer Saskia Boelsums has found a way to make the landscape look truly dramatic: with color, with clouds, with patience and of course with the computer. And rather than having Instagram crop her images into squares, she decided to photograph in a square format herself. “It’s difficult. I like that.” She has a solo show now at Eduard Planting Gallery.

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Dronken bos, brandend ijs: verontrustende natuur op Noorderlicht

De 25e editie van de internationale fotomanifestatie Noorderlicht draait om de aard van natuur. Hoe natuurlijk is natuur? Hoe ver gaan we bijvoorbeeld om met de wens in Nederland ‘ongerepte’ natuur te hebben, zoals bij de Oostvaardersplassen? Op de tentoonstelling ‘In Vivo’ komen bijna alle fotografen uit het buitenland, en daar spelen grote thema’s: het dooien van de permafrost in Alaska, de koloniale erfenis van het landschap in Tasmanië, en de vraag hoe de aarde er ná het Antropoceen uit zal zien. Lees hier mijn recensie voor NRC Handelsblad.

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TRACY•TV #39 – Eddo Hartmann shows us the secretive North-Korea

North-Korea is one of the most secretive places in the world. Photographer Eddo Hartmann gives us an insight in the architecture and living world of the people of Pyongyang, which both are under strict rules and regulations. Dutch journalist Tracy Metz visited together with him his exhibition ‘Setting the Stage’ in Huis Marseille and interviewed him about his work.

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TRACY•TV #38 – Michael Wolf – Life in Asian megacities

Life in cities is the theme of the work of the German philosopher Michael Wolf. He photographs how people live in anonymous massive cities such as Tokyo and Hong Kong. He now has an exhibition in the Fotomuseum of The Hague. Dutch journalist Tracy Metz visited together with Wolf the exhibition and interviewed him on the works ‘Architecture of Density’, ‘Bastard Chairs’ and ‘The Real Toy Story’.

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