Rising seas – Bangladesh
©Kadir van Lohuizen / NOOR
A mother and her daughter at Bainpara, their former village. Some houses remain, most were swallowed by cyclone Alia. After the water receded the water never returned to its old levels.
Due to cyclone Aila which hit Bangladesh in May 2009, still 60,000 people are displaced in the district Dakop. This is almost the total population of Dakop. The cyclone hit the area with a surge of 10 meters and the water since then has hardly receded; due to this people lost their land and therefor their means of living.
Bangladesh presently has a total of 6,5 million displaced due to floods and the rising of the sea level.
Kadir van Lohuizen brengt de zondvloed in beeld
Fotojournalist Kadir van Lohuizen is bijna tien jaar bezig over de hele wereld de nu al zichtbare gevolgen van het stijgen van de zeespiegel in beeld te brengen. Nu verschijnt zijn boek After Us the Deluge, met beelden uit uiteenlopende landen als Panama, Bangaldesh, de Marshall Islands, de Verenigde Staten – en ook Nederland. Zijn camera is de glazen bol waarmee hij ons de toekomst toont, onze toekomst. “Ik begrijp niet dat we ons hier zo weinig zorgen maken.”
Lees HIER mijn interview met hem voor NRC Handelsblad of download de pdf: