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Tag: Loeb Fellowship

Harvard study trip to Denver: ‘Water in the West’

It is climate change that is sucking the Colorado River dry, or the fact that too many people have too many straws in its water? Actually it’s both, we learned during our yearly Harvard GSD Loeb Fellowship study trip that went to Denver, Colorado this year. So yes this is a big story. I touched on some of the pertinent issues in this article for the Loeb Fellowship website (pdf and images below).

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Harvard GSD Loeb Fellowship: inclusion in the built environment

The Harvard GSD Loeb Fellowship is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year with a series of online events about the work Loeb Fellows do in the built and natural environment. As a Loeb of ’07 I was honored to be invited to moderate a converation with Kimberly Driggins (LF ’16) and Shaney Pena Gómez (LF ’18) about inclusion.

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Sweet&Salt: Water Is Their Frenemy

Sweeet&Salt: Water and the Dutch is ‘a beautiful and important book’, writes Armando Carbonell of the Lincoln Institute for Land Policy in his review of the book for the Loeb Fellowship site. ‘The ever-increasing Dutch reliance on engineering solutions to keep the water at bay does not come without costs, and they go beyond the never-ending building and maintenance of structures. There are increasing conflicts between the sweet and the salt, with serious worries about  fresh water for drinking and agriculture.’ And now comes the ‘hot breath of...

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